"Let's make the unknown known."

I would describe my journey to becoming a clinical psychologist as conventionally unconventional. Like many first-generation kids of Indian immigrant parents, going into medicine was my clearest route, and since the only other sure conviction I had going into college was my desire to help people, I set on the path that seemed safe and predictable. Spoiler alert.. there's a plot twist.
Luckily for me, safe and predictable has never been my style. What really cinched the deal was my undergraduate internship at the Houston Area Women’s Center which serves as first line emotional support for women that have endured sexual assault and violence. I was absolutely amazed by the deep sense of connection, compassion, and kinship I felt in moments of such raw human honesty. I knew I wanted to pursue becoming a therapist but the thought of leaving a safe, seemingly sure career path in medicine was brutally difficult. With culture in mind, medicine felt like my inherited destiny. The thought of changing my path filled me with fear and uncertainty. A few soul breakdowns and deep talks with loved ones later, I decided to take the leap. I feel so grateful every day that I chose my authenticity over fear.
It was this desire to choose authenticity over fear that led me to write my book, “The Miscarriage Map: What To Expect When You Are No Longer Expecting.” This same desire and growing wish to challenge the myths and taboos around women’s reproductive and mental health spurred me to write my next books, “The Miscarriage Map Workbook: An Honest Guide To Navigating Pregnancy Loss, Working Through the Pain, and Moving Forward” and “Self-ish: When Bubble Baths, Wine, and Positive Affirmations Aren’t Cutting It.”